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Unerklärliche Hitze-Inseln, die in Klimasimulationen nicht vorhergesagt, civilized die Research. Auch Deutschland is heard.
Frankfurt-Das Jahr The 2023 war started the biggest year of the war – and 2024 couldn’t be hotter. If the constant temperature is increased in recent years, this is a record extreme heat source. Nun said new research shows that one region of the country is being hit by extreme temperatures and others – and the climate model has never before appeared in Australia during that period.
“There are extreme trends here, the worst physical processes may not even be present,” explains the lead author of the study, Kai Kornhuber from the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Österreich. “These Regions are rapidly becoming Treibhäusern”, concreted by the Forscher in a Mitteilung.
The study analyzes heat waves from the past 65 years and identifies regions in which the extreme heat becomes more rapid than the typical temperature of the warm years. Diese extremes Hitzewellen It’s all possible to wait a few years in the 2000s, a day in the 2000s or later. Veröffentlicht can be the work I am Fachjournal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
The world map, on the insignificant Hitze Hotspots, is a fact, which means that the solid continent stops. The most affected regions include Zentralchina, Japan, the Arab Halbinsel, Eastern Australia, South America and the Arktis. If we see the “intensive and consistent” signal in Northwest Europe, it goes further. All affected: Germany, France, Great Britain and the Netherlands.
In September 2024, a new temperature regulation documentation was published in Österreich, Frankreich, Ungarn, Slowenien, Norway and Sweden, in the southern US. In these regions, the extreme temperature of the study is as high as the summer temperature and the rate that is higher was the modern climate model over the years before her life.
“Diese Hitzewellen are in the Regel mit schwerwiegenden gesundheitlichen Folgen Verbunden und können catastrophe Auswirkungen auf de Landwirtschaft, de Vegetation und Infrastruktur haben,” says Kornhuber. “We have not yet been able to cope with it and are not able to pass it quickly.” By 2022, the Hitzewellen in Europe will have been sorted for approximately 60,000 totes, by 2023, about 47,000 Hitzetotes will have been collected, and they will be sent to IIASA.
“In most cases it was the case that the time of the years and was as short as the typical summer was the signal of the clima walks. In some areas it is so much longer,” concrete co-author Samuel Bartusek (Columbia University). In the Hotspots, the research being conducted, will be very warm most of the time. It is possible to shift the Gründe, erklärt der Forscher. “A man who can use the best Wettermuster, who can also stiffen a Hitzewelle, häufiger auftreten, order that the water can stiffen the high temperature. It is very important that these specific local factors are nearby.” (tab)
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